iOS Applications

Greek Keyboard

Thank you for having interest on Greek Keyboard for the Web application.

This application is now obsolete with OS version 3.0, but it is still here for historical reasons.

With this application you will be able to write and search for greek text in most web-based applications of iPhone.

Namely, you can use greek language with the following applications: Send emails with greek subject/body Search Google Search Google maps Search YouTube Search Yahoo Wikipedia articles Search Facebook (you need to be already logged in)


Greek Keyboard

Some of the features of this application:

Text is preserved between successive runs of the application. If the application is closed for any reason, the text will re-appear the next time the application is launched. Input is handled by the native iPhone keyboard. Since there is no Greek keyboard for iPhone, the usual english keyboard will be displayed. The english letters will be translated on the fly to greek letters. Simultaneous use of english/greek keyboard, and any other standard keyboard iPhone has. Display country flag to hint the user of the currently active language. Full support of greek characters.

Limitations: SMS application is not able to receive greek text. Unfortunately this is a limitation of the SDK and currently could not be resolved. Display of english glyphs on the keyboard, instead of greek. Mainly only web-based or web-alike applications could be supported. Auto correction for the Greek language is not present.

Some notes for optimum usage: The first line of text while sending email is the "subject" line. In order to search in Facebook, you should have already signed in in Safari. The interface of this application is in Greek.

Feedback is appreciated!

Greek Keyboard